
I was saved at the age of eight, reared in the home of a wonderful pastor. For many years, I didn’t “walk worthy” of the Christ who saved me.  But, as the Bible says in Romans, where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.  I am so thankful that the Lord convicted me of my sinful ways and forgave me.  As the song says “I wandered far away from God.  Now I’m coming home.”  I want nothing more now than to walk with Him and praise Him.  I haven’t always been the Christian that I should be, but I truly want to follow the Lord and am hoping that this blog will help me deepen my study and love of God’s Holy Word.  In the end, I am nothing but a rotten, vile sinner saved by the amazing grace of God.  I could never begin to praise and thank Him enough for His mercy and kindness to me.  It is my heart’s desire that this blog will be an encouragement and blessing to anyone who may read.

17 responses to this post.

  1. Hallelujah! What a Saviour! May our Lord Jesus Christ guide you and keep you. He alone is able to save and save to the uttermost! Keep seeking more of Him bro. You will find. Keep in touch. The fellowship is good for us both. Praise Jesus, Jesus only! 🙂


  2. Now that is what I am talking about – Nicole Mullen sings a song that says “My Redeemer Lives”
    He has risen to take away my shame and guilt and it is ONLY because of His grace that I am saved.


  3. None of us have always been the Christians we should be. Hang in there. God bless you and lead you on in your life with Him. Blessings,


    Thank you for the comment on my blog!


  4. This reminds me of a verse . . .something like those who have been forgiven much, love much. 🙂 I was not saved until I was 27 and had quite a stack of sins piled up. All the more reason for me to rejoice now at the mercy and grace I received and keep receiving. God bless you! deb


    • Thank you for the comment and I have to admit that I piled up quite a stack of sins myself. I always think of the verse in Romans “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound”.


  5. I hope this isn’t too personal, but I am curious; is your father still living? I hope that if he is, he is also able to read your blog. I am not a father but I do have a son who is in his twenties and a daughter who is still in her teens, and the thoughts expressed in your entries would be very pleasing to many Christian parents. I believe most Christian parents long to see there children come to appreciate the Christ’s love.



    • Yes, he is still living. In fact, I just got home from church and listening to him preach! He’s been pastoring about 27(?) years now; I was pretty young so I don’t remember exactly. I’ve been trying to talk him into starting a blog, but haven’t had any success yet. I appreciate your comment- thank you.


  6. Hello,
    I wanted to invite you to have a look at Idylls For the King, a new Christian literary blog/journal I recently started.I don’t know if you would be interested in or write this sort of thing, but If you would ever like to submit poetry, fiction, or song lyrics you have written, please just send me an email and I will make you a contributer. Blessings,


    • Thanks, Eden. I looked at the new journal and it looks great. I’m definitely looking forward to reading all that is written. I’ve never delved into that type of writing before, but have always been interested in trying. I will let you know. Thanks!


  7. “Wonderful”!!! There is nothing better than wanting to totally do God’s will and He will surely get you there.
    Love ya 😀 😀


  8. Posted by outofedenministries on June 10, 2011 at 10:14 am

    Love your testimony and your love of God’s Word. I look forward to reading more from you!


  9. This is my first visit, and I don’t know why I’m compelled to share this, but here goes: I remember in my younger Christian years, before I got a full revelation of Who and What the Holy Trinity was about and how it applied to me personally–I used to view my sins as comparatively small, and comprised an admirably short list. I now understand that there’s no hierarchy of sin in God’s eyes, and I also realize that my previous view reflected how awful I felt about myself. That, not understanding how hugely great and merciful God’s love was toward me, I needed to minimize my considerable shortcomings just to drag myself through every day. But this past Easter, God did a supernatural, miraculous work–comparable to brain and heart surgery–so I no longer needed to be afraid to approach Him with All my unworthiness, cough it all up–and receive the Fullness of His unfailing love, and mercies which are new every morning. Am I a happy camper, fully of praise and thanksgiving? I’ll tell you, my life feels like a party pretty much every day–I’m in love with Jesus, because despite eveyrthing, He first loved me!

    Wishing you all the abundant blessings of the holy Christmas holiday!


  10. Ben, I just nominated you for two blogging awards. You can check it out and collect your awards here: http://lindakruschke.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/receiving-and-giving/

    I haven’t been by to read in a while, but miss your blog. Am hoping to read more in 2012.
    Peace, Linda


  11. excellent blog. Grace justified us freely, indeed.


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